So, I have a few things to get off my chest.
Quite a few things...
Firstly, why is it I can be out having a great time, and more times than not, someone has to come along and ruin it? Sure, I may drink a bit too much sometimes, and get a little silly, and loud, and dance like an idiot, but is that really affecting you? If I say something funny to you about the situation, does giving me a stern, pissed off look make you feel better? The people I am talking about are not my friends, except maybe in the loosest, facebook-type sense of the word. Some of them used to be cool, and I'm not sure what happened, some of them never were...some I have just met and am still forming an opinion of. All I know is, a lot of people have a shitty attitude around here, and this needs to change, or I need to change my scenery.
It makes me sad that I am no longer the friendly person I used to be. This town seems to be sucking it out of me. In the past, if I saw someone I knew and liked, I would always say hello. I've stopped that. It's more fun to stand around and pretend we don't know each other, isn't it? So maybe you don't like me. That's fine. But at least give me some indication so I know to avoid you. And have a good reason, for chris-sakes. Honestly, that one post on Twitter the other day probably wasn't about you...and I'm sorry if I deleted you on Facebook, ok?
One of my biggest pet peeves is the people who demand that all their friends think like them. They don't like someone for some reason, so they think all their friends should do the same. They have so much hate to go around, they feel they must share it with everyone. Now I know I have burned a few bridges, intentionally or not, but I'm pretty sure there are people out there that hate my guts and I have no clue why. I would go crazy trying to figure it out, so I let it go, but that doesn't mean it doesn't confuse the shit out of me. In the same vein, please don't ask me to hate someone else because of a perceived hurt to you by that person. I will stand by you if you're a good friend, but I will probably also be honest and let you know if I see another side to the story. Hopefully, that's one of the reasons we're friends.
Last rant for today...dudes...if I tell you I just want to be friends, I mean it. Don't try to change my mind. Friends also does not mean "friends with benefits." If you can't be friends with me, you're not someone I would ever want to date anyway. Whatever you do, don't get pissy with me about it, or act like a bipolar baby. This is not the way to get me to like you. Trust me on this one.
In closing, I'm going to get sappy and say thank you to my real friends out there (yes, I actually do have some!) You're the only thing keeping me going some days and I am so grateful. If you saw me tomorrow in a crowded room, you would come right over. You'd defend me if you heard someone talking shit about me. You would invite me to any party you threw. You know who you are. I'd do the same for you. And I love you.
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