I didn't dig it at first, but I have to say, I look pretty damn good in just a football jersey.
But I digress...
Why does almost everyone let their ego get in the way of their relationships with others? Seriously, there are so many missed connections in people's lives because they can't risk their egos getting bruised. Sometimes we can't even say; what the fuck? That really bugged me. Why did you do that? We just sit with our misconceived notions, butthurt about something the other person did, while all the while they are wondering why we're being distant.
I bring this up mostly because I know I sometimes piss people off with the things I say. I can be brutally honest. Some people cannot handle this. It's not really them, it's their egos that cannot handle it. I understand, it can be hard to take. I'm not always the first to admit my faults. I am as guilty as anyone. But I can admit my mistakes. While I may get upset at first, I can think about it, and come back later and say; you know, you were right. Sorry I acted like a douche.
On the other hand, I LOVE when I realize I wasn't wrong. That I did nothing wrong. That I had every right to act the way I did in that situation. I thought I was admitting to my faults, when they really weren't faults at all. That is the best kind of absolution. When you realize you have nothing to be absolved from. It's much easier to live your life free of regrets.
Some people just like drama. Often it's the people who say they despise it the most that cause much of it. Seriously, if you don't want drama, just don't bring it up. Don't talk about it. Don't talk to that person. Don't talk ABOUT that person. Deal with it and get it out of your system if you have to, talk to a close friend or your therapist, but definitely DO NOT repeatedly post about it on Facebook. And if you honestly don't care, you just won't talk about it anymore.
So, I kinda like this blogging thing. I might keep it up for a while. It's like talking to a close friend, and the whole world, and no one, all at the same time. Whatever that means.